Street Use Permit
A permit is required to host a booth, display, or activation on Stephen Avenue, including Stampede and seasonal displays. Permit fees are dependent on the size and purpose of your set up. Please allow 7-10 days for permit processing.
Stephen Avenue does NOT include the Olympic Plaza/Burns Building Block (200 8th Ave SE). Contact 3-1-1, or 403-268-2489 if you are outside Calgary, to request permits for this block.
Please note that consultation with our Street Operations Supervisor is required for:
- Line queueing wait zones.
- Setting up outdoor booths for your store.
- Having tents or canopies on Stephen Avenue
- Installation of all large décor items. Pre-approval is required to ensure we are managing traffic on Stephen Avenue. Your permit is subject to a Calgary Fire code inspection.
For more information contact:
Danny Estephan, Street Operations Supervisor